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Tuesday 18 November 2014

Behind The Scene (Mandarin) - 鬼影后

Release Date: Nov
  • Rating: P13
  • Runtime: 84 min
  • Director: Bryan Gao
  • Genre(s): Horror

Story: This story is about Xiao Ruo who wanted to revenge her beloved man , Yu who works as movie director. Xiao Ruo has a strange and negative personality. She met Director Yu during audition and fall in a sight. To secure the role she wanted in the movie, she uses all evil schemes she could think of. However, Director Yu do not think the role is suitable for Xiao Ruo and give to Fei Fei. This made Xiao Ruo angry and plot up a plan to jeopardise Fei Fei. But alas, Xiao Ruo’s bad intention backfired and got herself killed instead. She came back as a ghost with hatred and vengeance. As such, Director Yu and Fei Fei got themselves tangled in a complicated situation, disturbing findings and scary crisis. Director Yu protect Fei Fei while getting to the core of this messy situation and his findings about Xiao Ruo’s pass to be somehow pitiful. 

  • Starring: James Wong, Henry Thia, Chen Jun Jun, Wang Rou Lin

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