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Saturday, 3 August 2013

Google Chromecast: HDMI Streaming Dongle

  • Released: 24th July 2013 in US
  • Type: Audio/video player
  • Dimensions: 1.38" x 2.83" x 0.47"
  • Video Outputs: HDMI v1.4 (1 output)
  • WIFI: 802.11 b, g, n
  • Price: US$35.00

Google just released a brand new product called "Google Chromecast" which is a HDMI Streaming Dongle that can convert a traditional TV to smart TV. This dongle enable traditional TV to stream internet contents in TV big screen at just US$35 dollar.

Inside the Chromecast packaging box as shown in photo above, it contains a Chromecast HDMI dongle, a HDMI extender, micro-USB cable to supply power and an electrical plug adapter. The Chromecast dongle have one HDMI v1.4 port, one micro-USB port and one LED power indicator.

To set it up, it is pretty simple. The instructions are printed on the packaging itself. First, plug in the Chromecast dongle into one of the HDMI port from TV. Then, use the micro-USB cable provided to connect one end to rounded end of the dongle and the other end connect to USB port from TV or electrical plug adapter provided for giving it the power it needs. Once the power is ON, select to the appropriate TV input, a setup webpage will appear on your computer and asking you to connect it to your home's WIFI network. Then, you will need to install the Google Cast extension to make your Chrome browser compatible. That's all and now you are ready to start streaming internet content to your newly upgraded TV.

Enclose below with a demo video for more details on this new released Google Chromecast product.

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